Speed and versatility are key - Kverneland Turbo

The Kverneland Turbo is a versatile cultivator of large capacity. It is the right machine for all seasons and conditions, whether you want to leave a rough surface or fine seedbed, for shallow and deep cultivation.

Speed and versatility are key - Kverneland Turbo

The Kverneland Turbo has been designed with 5 rows of tines for all kind of soil cultivation: stubble cultivation after harvesting from 3cm to 15cm, seedbed preparation after ploughing and also shallow working in spring or 2nd stubble cultivation after manure/slurry and after green fertiliser crops.

The Advantages

  • Under beam clearance of 700mm and long distance between rows from 510 to 900mm for a perfect soil flow without blockages
  • Extremely flexible S-tine for intensive mixing and stubbling action
  • Low pulling requirement (6,5m–200 hp/8m–300 hp)
  • Stubble cultivation and loosening from 3 to 15cm deep
  • Easy operations with all hydraulic adjustments

11th April 2016

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