Achieving the best possible result in the most efficient way, requires a mower that is made for immediate action. If the moment is there, you have to be ready. You need a machine that gets the job done quickly. At any moment. Under all circumstances. Kverneland mowers and mower conditioners cover the needs of any mowing job.
Plain mowers
Kverneland 2300
Rear mounted mowers for light, untroubled mowing
Kverneland 2600
Side mounted plain disc mowers with working angle up to 35°.
Kverneland 2800
Rear mounted disc mowers with vertical transport position.
Kverneland 5087-5095
Efficient, low weight triple plain mower combinations.
Kverneland 2800F
Front mounted plain disc mowers
Kverneland 2800FS
Front mounted plain disc mower with actively driven swath former
Mower Conditioners
Kverneland 3200
Centre mounted mower conditioner with nylon, roller or SemiSwing condi...
Kverneland 5087
Triple mower combination with SemiSwing or nylon tine conditioner.
Kverneland 3600F
Front mounted mower conditioners with ActiveLift system.
Kverneland 3300
Innovative QuattroLink suspension mower conditioners
Kverneland 5300
Triple mower combination with QuattroLink suspension, SemiSwing or rol...
Kverneland 53100
Triple mower combination with QuattroLink suspension, SemiSwing or rol...
Kverneland 3300F
Front mounted mower conditioners with ProLink suspension.
Kverneland 4300
Trailed mower conditioner with a wealth of applications.